Fox News Breaking News Alert FBI arrests five 'extremist Muslim' New Mexico compound suspects days after multiple charges were dropped 08/31/18 6:29 PM
Fox News Breaking News Alert Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum wins Democratic primary race for Florida governor in upset, Fox News projects 08/28/18 9:25 PM
Fox News Breaking News Alert Trump orders flags at half-staff for McCain: 'Despite our differences... I respect Senator John McCain’s service to our country' 08/27/18 4:15 PM
Fox News Breaking News Alert John Brennan’s criticism of Trump risked damaging the intelligence community, Michael Mullen tells ‘Fox News Sunday’ 08/19/18 12:27 PM
Fox News Breaking News Alert Trump says Cuomo ‘having a total meltdown’ after gov's earlier remark that America ‘was never that great’ 08/15/18 9:59 PM
Fox News Breaking News Alert Judge allows release of suspects linked to 'extremist Muslim' compound ahead of trial, as sickening accusations emerge 08/13/18 9:17 PM
Fox News Breaking News Alert US to impose new sanctions on Russia, claims country used 'chemical or biological weapons' against British ex-spy 08/08/18 3:29 PM